Cartoon visuals meet video game interaction via laserdisc.
Dirk The Daring travels, searching through a castle for Princess Daphne who has been kidnapped by Singe The Dragon. Cinematronics' first laserdisc game done by former Disney animator, Don Bluth. Very popular. Cabinet Information
In Dragon's Lair, you do not control Dirk, rather you direct him in what to do. Areas on the laserdisc are accessed according to which command is given. The game has 38 to 42 different episodes with over 1,000 life-and-death situations and over 200 different decisions to make. It has been comfirmed from a video taped game that it takes about 12 minutes to complete the game if you know all the moves.
Trivia When Dragon's Lair was first released, not only was it the first animated laserdisc game (it was actually the second game to use a laserdisc), it was also the first video game to look like a movie and be treated like a movie. After all, it was animated by Don Bluth and other animators who used to work for Disney. The animation for this game took six years in the making.The animation staff used their own voices for their characters instead of hiring professional actors, in order to keep the costs down. In fact, the animation alone cost over a million dollars. They also used several Playboy magazines as a reference guide for drawing Daphne.