2000 King eBook

High point in the eBook craze.


Riding the Bullet
By Stephen King

The news that Stephen King would release a story exclusively in digital form and exclusively via the Web rode the media mountain like an intermediate skier on a black-diamond trail -- tentatively at first, then with a little more confidence and, finally, hurtling out of control, crashing into unexpected territory. The trade press gave its imprimatur, and within a few days the story spread like a virus over Web and wire. Television and radio chugged behind.


March 29, 2000 | To Matt Lauer, host of "Today," "Riding the Bullet," the 66-page novella by Stephen King that was released in e-book form by Simon & Schuster earlier this month, sure looked like the future of publishing. On his show, Lauer pressed Simon & Schuster trade publishing division CEO Carolyn Reidy with what he considered a trenchant point: "You get a proven author like Stephen King, who's pretty good and has written so many books he probably knows how to do some editing. He could take his works right to the Internet."