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Edit your slice at 450 x 215 pixels. Insert the previous slice at the very top. Upload that image, and the server will automagically ignore the top 15px.

The next player only sees the bottom 15 pixels. Do you want to "pass along" any of the colors or elements from the previous slice?

Triple-check that the your slice is "clean" at the bottom. Did you really want to include that 1px high green line along the bottom edge?

Look at your slice after you upload it! Does your new image visually "join" with the previous slice? (the way you intended it to?) Do the sides/bottom of your image look correct? You can make corrections and upload a new image as many times as you need to.

Keep your title short! You're not writing a book; try three words or less.
... perhaps foreign language, numbers, punctuation, verbs, CAPitaliZation?

Avoid using words. Create new images; don't share your favorite quotes.

[ Last updated December 23, 2003 ]