Monday Morning 4.30 My sleeping schedule is messed up. I managed to accomplish none of the stuff I needed to get done for work. Every piece of clothing I own is still in a pile on the floor. The bottom of my bathtub still scares small children. I'm desperately waiting for my submitted photo to be approved on SparkMatch. I won't name any names, but yes ladies and gentlemen ... I have indeed had a tragically lovely weekend. YOU ARE A TOTAL LOSER 4.28 I spend all night working out how to duplicate <NOBR> tricks using CSS so my pathetic website will be completely "XHTML 1.0 Transitional" compliant. I spend all day tracking down how to make use of MSXML's XMLHTTPRequest object to duplicate the <CFHTTP> function using ASP. Sybil wields bad art to torment you with photos and show you how fondling hot chicks makes for some lovely Kodak moments. You claim that her website hurts your eyes when you look at it, while Sybil steals another 15 minutes of fame thanks to Wrestlemania. Now I won't name names ... but somebody is a loser. Mario Savio 4.26 There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. Call this number: it's free. 4.25 877-338-6747 Known as man of few words 4.24 I refuse to fabricate a new item every single day for the sole purpose of keeping this site "fresh". Stuph appears in the sidebar, information has been assimilated, take it or leave it. (I'm too busy trying to merge and sort multiple separate XML files.) is on my side ... yes-it-is 4.21 The instruction book that comes with a watch doesn't contain a single paragraph about how to tell time -- just instructions on how to figure out all of the ancillary bells and whistles that "designers" have crammed into the shell... (RCFoC) My stick can beat up your stick 4.20 I'm not exactly sure why, but I dig the fighting stick figures: The "original" stick figure fight The newer-yet-still-inspired-by fight Banner Ads 4.18 Since I continue to put off mastering the XSL magic, I'm fooling with silly banner ad exchange networks. Please ... no laughing. At least Sybil likes me. 4.16 Armed with what appears to be a large can of FrontPage, Sybil has somehow managed to link to my website, so I just had to link back. :) Since I haven't managed to get the multiple page thing happening yet, and before I get too much text/news on this one main page ... I'm just going to throw the list-of-links on the bottom of the site. Any To Any. End To End. 4.15 Is your company having an e-dentity crisis? Then you need to utilize the eNormicom Image Bucket Program to eBrand your eWebsite with a swoosh logo. XML KungFu 4.14 All data is now stored in XML files and transformed into HTML as needed. Nothing looks different. (That's the whole idea) I'm currently using ASP+XMLDOM which is WRONG, and I'll eventually switch to XSLT, so just remain calm. Style Too? 4.12 New blue header(s) ... more crispy powerful blue ... Stolen right off another website (with some editing) so sue me. Grindcore Lives! 4.11 If you know what LobsterMagnet rhymes with: A) You may be trapped in the 80's. B) You know Peter Steel's real name. C) You will appreciate this movie.. There ... 4.10 No thanks to the selfish person who refused to be helpful because she was too tired from working all day ... I have a framework for a website that looks slightly better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. (It is certainly looks better than Robert's non existent "Tank Art" website.) |