July 2oo1  
you want fries?  7.31
Step 1 : Write Netscape.
Step 2 : Open nightclub.

BiggerHand is older than I.
unfairly delayed by distance  7.29
Eventually we will grow tired, and step past our pretense. Turn and stand and stare. Wired differently, but thinking the same. Percentage. Grey enough to embrace flaws. I know more than I should, and am unable to empty my mind.

Discontent with my memory : fragments selected by someone else. White fabric squares serving no purpose. Black on black on brown and white. The smell of red. Sounds.
Silent  7.26
Their mouth just keeps moving :   nod my understanding :   almost half smile :   focus just slightly past them.   I didn't hear any of it.
Unload  7.25
Where did everyone go? and why? Billboard liberation is now part of the problem. Peggy lives in the white building opposite the park. There are so many books and so little time.
first derivative of displacement  7.23
We still have not found a fundamental limit for making silicon transistors smaller ... The pace of silicon development is accelerating, not decelerating.
Robert S. Chau
Delta Air Lines  7.22

Forty nine hours.
Free  7.15
Valet park for coffee and cheesecake. Build ice blocks in your freezer. Test drive cars without intending to buy. Use spray paint in the middle of your living room. Don't get the shower curtain everyone wants you to get. Drive slowly and wave. Put orange flames on the sides of your monitor. Be true without feeling guilty or wrong. No expectations.

I don't know what I'm doing, but do it anyway.
Power  7.9
Every motion a crafted effort to obtain power. Futile attempts to steer the boat : Self abuse granting false control : Molding my hollow impression : Quantify the risk of each breath. Without making a sound, it's gone away.

you can destroy me
Deoxycholic Acid  7.8
We are shrinking the world's food supply for one reason: The hundreds of millions of people who go hungry cannot create a sufficient "market demand" for the fruits of the Earth. So more and more of it flows into the mouths of livestock, which convert it into what the better-off can afford. Corn becomes filet mignon. Sardines become salmon.
Meat is your friend.
Arrangements of One  7.6
Kick your speakers : adjust your volume : The one armed man.
bright pink and blue ball  7.4
Aimlessly floating : forward movement driven by inertia : content to drift in the noise. Think. think. think. drift. Repeat tomorrow like today. Again. and again. Tethered by habit. Keep your water away from my pile of sand. Hobby of the month. Books to feed my gremlin. Foods I thought not possible. Sounds that make me smile. Moments that close my eyes.

Buy no toys : Waste no movement : Tell no lies : Spare no soul. Amused by the extreme, always pushing towards the unknown goal.

The unshared moments are lost. My unread words were fading. So many stories : questions : ideas. Intimidation. No degrees to hide behind. No perfections to sell you. Older. Different. Content to linger in the dark. Enjoying the possibilities.
On The Cusp  7.3
Furthermore, we are leaving behind the relatively flat stretch of IT's exponential curve. We are beginning to climb the wall towards almost vertical ascent -- a period where each wave of change comes more quickly than the one before.
Taking Advantage of Technological Acceleration
 Fashionable    7.12 
 Carthedral    7.10 
 Role Model    7.4 


  2001 stuph 2001