n0v 2oo1  
thunder only happens  11.30
Enjoy my leftovers for this month.
hungry?  11.19
Get a taste for religion : Lick a witch
Deceiver deceived us  11.15
The same thing hundreds of times over and over. Some significant percentage of my life gone. With my eyes closed in total darkness half asleep already. Energy sold for less than it should. What is new that will not soon be old? Why then? Nothing pulling me. Nothing pushing me. Drift across waves of false busy created by others. Adversity parlayed into accomplishment. Daydreams held up in the sunlight for others to look through. Zurich for three nineteen round. One new Jersey : two new Jersey : three best Buy.
Effective number of pixels  11.11
More wasted money : auto exposure bracketing with aperture or shutter priority : 2.5 fps for fast and noise reduction for slow : lithium-ion and programmable startup sound : 2nd-day air.
RedirectMatch 301  11.5
Adjusted XSL templates to support subdirectories. Adjusted hosting for new domains. Adjusted away from municipal bonds.

<xsl:param name="path2baseDir" />
 and welcome to you    11.29 
 Gerb Rugge, Hoo    11.18 
 Who Would?    11.13 
 and cons    11.12 


  2001 stuph 2001