The inner circle
Qigong  3.11
The images, words, audio, and thoughts are all from one specific personal moment in time. Popular opinion is that I shouldn't waste my time, but since I'm indifferent now, it made an interesting concept.
superior bioCompatibility  3.1
I got tired of my Gauntlet before you even heard of the company. Beyond bolts in my leg, now I've got a gold tooth in my head.
think again  2.28
Did you think camera repairs would prevent Cupid Photos?
Sign O' The Times  2.5
(Chocolate) starfish and (vanilla) coffee for breakfast, and I can hear the song in my head. Craigs has temps for perusal.
male man  1.31
Not dead LCD screens nor ISPs, not sick mothers nor sick fathers, not vanishing jobs, frozen rain, tax laws, fever, vomit, or rats. I deliver January photos.
walking to work  1.21
Ding dong, radio phone line is still dead, the camera is somewhere in Illinois, and my attempted credit class remains a mystery. I just won a design contest tShirt and you didn't.
senosketch  12.31
More than once implies a pattern : some december photos.
Kakao : 33% mindestens  12.26
Triple shot mocha grande chasing antihistamines, FDA unapproved speedball. My train is on track, but not Italian, aggravatingly behind schedule, no indication of what lies out of view. Spend your hours doing things that require you to actively remember to open your eyes, remember to eat, remember that you needed to be somewhere. Don't waste your time. Perugina, Ritter Sport, Baur, Lazzaroni, Ghirardelli, Godiva.
actually it's not like faith,  12.15
if you're bored with it already, that's your right, but I hope you aren't. if you're trying to protect yourself, that's fair, but I wish you wouldn't. this time I'm not going to do that. for me it's worth it.
Schedule  12.9
updates sent to me at two AM Saturday for a project due Monday morning vs. a raspberry napoleon from the German bakery with the accordion player who had everyone clinking jingle bells on their water glass ... sort laundry into color piles vs. write a robot that sorts email/spam based on blackhole hosts/lookups ... convert TABLEs to DIVs vs. take pictures of shiny thigh high boots ... bowl with interesting strangers vs. catch up on sleep.
thunder only happens  11.30
Enjoy my leftovers for this month.
hungry?  11.19
Get a taste for religion : Lick a witch
Effective number of pixels  11.11
More wasted money : auto exposure bracketing with aperture or shutter priority : 2.5 fps for fast and noise reduction for slow : lithium-ion and programmable startup sound : 2nd-day air.
already on the other side  10.30
Florian was the last to go : photos : more photos : even more photos : I've been told.
I count the summers  10.26
Portland plus pneumatics. Drunk visitors, desperate cab drivers, good speakers and bad speakers. Buying cups, critters, and circuit boards for my backyard tommorow night.
direct the drummers  10.21
Since Beth was afraid to fly this weekend, I went to bed with my front door wide open. Holding my horn down behind a truck is more dangerous than opening junkmail. Mysterious noises made it difficult to go fall asleep, but apparently, no one tried to steal my chocolate.

ancient Jayne : modern Jayne
Reach their origin and cease to be  10.12
Motorbike, neighbor, timing belt, Greenville, Magneeto, version 18, (mt), Netsol, REX, Kansas, and the tree with short roots.
Let us take your time away  9.30
The photographers with the fancy agent threw a party. Don't snicker at the trained Pomeranians. Forget waiting two hours for a tarot card reading. Ignore the over salted pretzels. Behold the topless girl on stilts fitting into a porta potty. I was concerned about the general lack of clowns, until I noticed a group having fajitas for lunch today.
Three Thirty  9.10
Airbrushing masks onto layers, fading one image into another. Milk and cookies don't keep me up, someone's digital face does.
Now We Are Six  8.23
These are my two drops of rain : Waiting on the window-pane.
I am waiting here to see : Which the winning one will be.
Both of them have different names. : One is John and one is James.
All the best and all the worst : Comes from which of them is first.
the Bay VS the Island  8.20
Shorter buildings. Less random supermodels. More sunshine. More hills. More color. More motorcycles on sidewalks. Will verify in ten days.
Before the Alarm Went Off  8.16
Pounding heart when I opened my eyes. Can't tell me not to be nervous. Not to be so serious. Potentially the only reason. Breathe in, breathe out.
Prospective Immigrants Please Note  8.9
Either you will go through this door or you will not go through. If you go through there is always risk of remembering your name. Things look at you doubly and you must look back and let them happen.
rather  8.6
damp soft fruit-flavored
laying next to you waiting for it to dry.
lonely room  8.4
I remember Swimming.
Silent  7.26
Their mouth just keeps moving :   nod my understanding :   almost half smile :   focus just slightly past them.   I didn't hear any of it.
Delta Air Lines  7.22

Forty nine hours.
Power  7.9
Every motion a crafted effort to obtain power. Futile attempts to steer the boat : Self abuse granting false control : Molding my hollow impression : Quantify the risk of each breath. Without making a sound, it's gone away.

you can destroy me
Arrangements of One  7.6
Kick your speakers : adjust your volume : The one armed man.
bright pink and blue ball  7.4
Aimlessly floating : forward movement driven by inertia : content to drift in the noise. Think. think. think. drift. Repeat tomorrow like today. Again. and again. Tethered by habit. Keep your water away from my pile of sand. Hobby of the month. Books to feed my gremlin. Foods I thought not possible. Sounds that make me smile. Moments that close my eyes.

Buy no toys : Waste no movement : Tell no lies : Spare no soul. Amused by the extreme, always pushing towards the unknown goal.

The unshared moments are lost. My unread words were fading. So many stories : questions : ideas. Intimidation. No degrees to hide behind. No perfections to sell you. Older. Different. Content to linger in the dark. Enjoying the possibilities.
a valuable member of society  6.27
I promise : Beaterz is the same as tonymobile : She is forever online : Zelda The Legend continues.
Do I amuse you?  6.25
Not to be left out of life's big joy, I bought some film and snuck my neighbors camera through airport security. The pictures are online for your amusement. There were no witnesses.
You are so far  6.14
Three thousand three hundred kilometers away.
Zilog : Eighty  5.29
For these who are confused by the logo in the top left corner, I present someone else who understands.
Uber Car  5.28
It's a solid brick with effortless control over the laws of inertia; It is unfairly superior. Regardless of what you tell yourself, you get what you pay for. Ang Lee is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Fallon is a huge advertising agency. BMW builds fine automobiles. Chosen is the five forty immortalized on film.
mWe  5.26
Anonymous song lyrics.
Paul Simon  5.23
The problem is all inside your head she said to me
The answer is easy if you take it logically
I'd like to help you in your struggle to be free
There must be 50 ways ...
Happy Lucky Golden PF790  5.11
[Status] Manifest Pickup
[Scheduled Delivery] May 14, 2001
[Weight] 66.00 Lbs
An X Parrot  5.8
Here's a little tip for you. When you notice you monitor doing anything strange, it's time to start window shopping for a new monitor. I've got three little words for you: buy dot com.
Heartless peppers  5.5
Lonely Meals : one single serving. Inspired by Sybil, but dedicated to Stephanie; she knows why.
Tide comes in : Tide goes out.  5.3
So lately, I'm very tired. Strangely, I don't have anything setup to merge/split/sort the XML data. Did I mention that I'm tired?

Stef ... Power Puff Girls meet Hot Topic

Jessica ... I hope she doesn't find out and get upset that I comb through her site and blatantly steal the truth. Ah, storyboards.

Olivia ... Since someone doesn't know who Nick Drake is or what he sounds like, here's the VW comerical that made him re-famous.

Myself ... Occasionally I worry that my morbid humor somehow has a negative effect on my life. Then I wonder exactly how long the day would be with no humor at all.
Monday Morning  4.30
My sleeping schedule is messed up. I managed to accomplish none of the stuff I needed to get done for work. Every piece of clothing I own is still in a pile on the floor. The bottom of my bathtub still scares small children. I'm desperately waiting for my submitted photo to be approved on SparkMatch. I won't name any names, but yes ladies and gentlemen ...

I have indeed had a tragically lovely weekend.
I spend all night working out how to duplicate <NOBR> tricks using CSS so my pathetic website will be completely "XHTML 1.0 Transitional" compliant. I spend all day tracking down how to make use of MSXML's XMLHTTPRequest object to duplicate the <CFHTTP> function using ASP.

Sybil wields bad art to torment you with photos and show you how fondling hot chicks makes for some lovely Kodak moments. You claim that her website hurts your eyes when you look at it, while Sybil steals another 15 minutes of fame thanks to Wrestlemania.

Now I won't name names ... but somebody is a loser.
At least Sybil likes me.  4.16
Armed with what appears to be a large can of FrontPage, Sybil has somehow managed to link to my website, so I just had to link back. :) Since I haven't managed to get the multiple page thing happening yet, and before I get too much text/news on this one main page ... I'm just going to throw the list-of-links on the bottom of the site.


  2001 stuph 2001