HTTP is your friend
with that mocking grace  2.9
Why fool around? MVC style Apache Struts for the Abraham Link-In app should catch me up. Lots of caffeinated perusing and download install maneuvers. Possible warm ups attempts.
failure eighty three  1.5
I so don't want to use cross browser rigging, NS62 in Quirky mode , scrapping all the XHTML efforts : oh well, no time when Empty; I suck.
off!DOCTYPE : 3L33T  1.4
XHTML transitional is disabled, popup menus work to spite Netscape Six, but Opera5 and NS47 are broken; Boo Hoo. Year 2002 didn't break my XSLT stuff; I rool.
RedirectMatch 301  11.5
Adjusted XSL templates to support subdirectories. Adjusted hosting for new domains. Adjusted away from municipal bonds.

<xsl:param name="path2baseDir" />
You Haul  9.9
From a Windows box in Atlanta onto a Linux box in Los Angeles. Added links. Cleared away obsolete JavaScript.
Slight Sunburn  6.21

I'm only two months old, but when I skip for a week other people stay up late to put me in my place: XHTML Strict!?

when test=" name()='a' "  6.9
XHTML strict is a non option since it would exclude NS4.x browsers. The sidebar now uses less shim images: zero. Hard-spaces are delivered raw instead of as &#n; escape codes. The <a> tags automagically utilize the external-link tracker.
process_include.xsl  6.4
XSLT didn't want to dynamically include external XML files from inside several other XML files; too bad. It's setup with a separate generic template, and data is transformed multiple times, but the final output is the pudding. News items belong to one or more groups, and are available in the archived using groups as a filter. Almost switched to greymater to manage the data (it is supa-fancy) but it doesn't support everything I want.
innerWidth  5.28
The window size (not screen size) of visitors are logged and aggregated for my own personal amusement. All three of them; on a high traffic day. Another day older and closer to death.
xsl:with-param  5.26
Search box. Archive box. Links page grouped by group/@title and sorted by item/@title. Backend tracking of link click-throughs. xsl:include for uppercase translation. So what?

Anonymous song lyrics.
w3/1999/XSL/Transform  5.19
Ok fine, there were a few minor issues ... No, you can't un-escape CDATA ... xsl:sort won't work outside a for-each ... MSXML is not very friendly ... Nineteen days past the original due date ...

None-the-less, I finally made the time to implement ye magical XSLT template system in order to split data into months/archives.
theParams.Add "month", "5"
Response.write tfh2transform( _
    "news.xml" , "news.xsl" , theParams )
There is no substitute for superior firepower.
NS6  5.17
Netscape 6 is stupid with images in table cells that are shorter than the current text line-height. I have been forced to spawn a lovely new CSS style/class workaround, appropriately labeled "ns6sucks".
An X Parrot  5.8
Here's a little tip for you. When you notice you monitor doing anything strange, it's time to start window shopping for a new monitor. I've got three little words for you: buy dot com.
Dot pitch  5.5
My .25mm Ultra Fine suddenly has a burnt out spot/dot in the middle of the screen. I'm very upset over this. Doesn't this sort of thing only happened to LCD monitors? Wacking the side of the case over and over proved pointless.

You wish you were Valid XHTML 1.0!compliant.
Known as man of few words  4.24
I refuse to fabricate a new item every single day for the sole purpose of keeping this site "fresh". Stuph appears in the sidebar, information has been assimilated, take it or leave it. (I'm too busy trying to merge and sort multiple separate XML files.)
Banner Ads  4.18
Since I continue to put off mastering the XSL magic, I'm fooling with silly banner ad exchange networks. Please ... no laughing.
XML KungFu  4.14
All data is now stored in XML files and transformed into HTML as needed. Nothing looks different. (That's the whole idea) I'm currently using ASP+XMLDOM which is WRONG, and I'll eventually switch to XSLT, so just remain calm.
Style Too?  4.12
New blue header(s) ... more crispy powerful blue ... Stolen right off another website (with some editing) so sue me.


  2001 stuph 2001