Whoa! Where did this come from all of a sudden? Did you all complete your slices overnight??
Bold and simple... I like it! ;^)
Posted by: kodgetts at March 25, 2004 09:09 AMI'm glad the line art style stuck! Reptile's gizmo is fun (and good work blending with my "hair" background!), but I wish it connected onwards to the next piece (for instance, by dangling another cable from the box) instead of tying all the ends together so soon. I do like Angelina's abstract piece at the end, though. Everyone deserves extra credit for avoiding clip art and photos, too, imho.
Posted by: jacob at March 25, 2004 09:22 AMI don't think that using photos always means that less skill has been involved. Sometimes there is a lot of work that goes into blending the photo into what you've been given on the previous slice.
Posted by: kodgetts at March 25, 2004 11:03 AMI don't mean to say that photography or photo editing don't require skill! Good photo editing is a tremendous technical skill, and good photographic composition (and wrangling subjects, too) is an art. There are some really good uses of photos in the ecorpse index, like http://ecorpse.com/published/corpse35.html , but often people paste in images for semiotic purposes rather than aesthetic ones, without any regard for blending with the rest of the corpse. It's just my opinion, but I prefer hand-made art to loose montage anyway. (I say "loose" because you can use images as your medium, too, if you work them, and end up with something that has the feel of handiwork - but that's different than just pasting!)
Posted by: jacob at March 25, 2004 11:35 AMOh, I should also say that I think starting a corpse with an image, as long as it shows enough structure in the last 15 pixels to effectively "lead" the next participant, is okay, too, since the first piece defines the style the others should follow (to some degree), so it doesn't have to blend...assuming such photos were the uploader's own work, of course.
Posted by: jacob at March 25, 2004 12:33 PMEr, I meant "photo"...obviously everything we upload is an "image" *grin*
Posted by: jacob at March 25, 2004 03:02 PMI agree with what you're saying jacob.
Unfortunately, that link didn't work for me!
Posted by: kodgetts at March 25, 2004 03:26 PMKodgetts, take out the . at the end of the link and it should work.
Posted by: at March 25, 2004 03:43 PMFirst effort from me; glad you liked it. Sorry about the lack of excitement -- I was worried about doing anything too crazy on the bottom, so I kept the end of my piece pretty simple. Anyways, it was cool to see everybody basically draw freestyle for this; good example of style consistency across pieces.
Posted by: reptile at March 25, 2004 09:32 PM